The First Ten Months of a Life, a Reflection.

It’s been a long time since I posted. I have too many thoughts.

My son is now ten months and a week old and I almost don’t remember my life before his being in it.

Tonight, when alone, my wife and I watched Arrival (2016) and I am now reflecting on the fallibility of memory. I realised that, when he is frustrated and crying at a drawer for not opening, or trying to chew my slipper, that he is doing something that I did and everyone ever did.
I realised that when I see him exploring the world, his tiny, fascinating mannerisms are an echo of who he will be in years and decades to come. That the man I know in the future will reflect these early behaviours as I now reflect my own when I was his age.

The great tragedy of this is that we can only see it one way.

The good we could do if we could trace the echoes forward through time without having to go there first. What harms could we undo, what anxieties, fears, hatreds could we avert? Either way it’s irrelevant. All we can do is our best here and now, with the future in mind.
As such I am happy to report that my mental health is improving. I have started working harder and with more focus than I have in years and the muscle is getting strong again.
But it is a muscle, the ability to focus, to do what you need to do.
I still struggle with my anxiety: I fear the damage I might do to my son and everyone else in my life when my ENTP bluntness erupts in frustration. I fear that my struggle to handle my own weight will mean he is left prematurely without a father. I fear that my taking more than three decades to understand that my life might best be served guiding other impulsive, erratic young men through their own turbulent youths means I will be unable to leave him an inheritance, mental, financial or moral that will allow him to move forward in the world with confidence.

I suppose this smacks of me reflecting and imposing my own current state on who he might one day be.
My father is still alive, somehow. I am a father.

My wife is from a broken home. Her father left her mother and young brother within weeks of my wife’s conception. He took a token role in her life until she was six or seven years old and hasn’t spoken to him since before her teens.
I am from an emotionally broken home. My parents’ marriage is a post-modern charade of arguments and separate bedrooms and “staying together for the kids”. I don’t know which of us had it worse, honestly.
Her life was one of grinding poverty, being mostly raised by her maternal grandparents while her mother worked two or three jobs to try to clear the debt left to her by her wayward, adulterous, criminal ex-husband.
Mine was one of tears, screaming arguments and damnation. Of being told that my fahter is a bad man for a hundred reasons and none – reasons that I’ve mostly learned were manipulations – and being exused from anything I didn’t want to do in order to score points with one or the other.

That will not be my son’s life, but I am aware that we must not go too far the other way.

I will do my best to allow him to lead his own life, with the knowledge that we will both be behind him, able to catch and comfort him until he is ready to truly strike out alone.
He will understand responsibility, though he probably won’t appreciate being taught it or understand even that he is learning it at the time.
I will do all I can to help him to be strong when he needs to be, to be kind when he can and to let it all out in a safe way whenever it’s right to do so.

My son is the greatest thing I have ever done.
I’ve wanted children my whole life, my either having my own or adopting was never not going to happen for me. I am fortunate and in awe of my wife for bringing him into the world. But something I never accounted for is the scale of time. One imagines the start of a life, one remembers the vast stretches of frustrated youth, desperate for the days of ‘when I’m grown-up’, but one does not connect the two together. I always knew I would be a father somehow, but I never imagined how long a process it would be.
It’s strange, time.
I remember him being handed to me, seeing his tiny, outraged face as the world hit him. He is so different now, but I see the changes in motion snapshots, like time is melting and distorting, changing him and me at the same time. There are stages, leaps that provide… chapters to his development, but reflecting now, I find myself missing the past ones. But you can only experience a chapter for the first time once. You can re-read the chapter, but you know where it’s going. The first time you read it, it’s a journey that is indefinite but thereafter, you know where it’s going – for at least as far as you’ve gone so far.
I guess that’s a reasonably useful analogy. Failing that, I guess a meme will have to suffice:

So the now is the ink in the nib, or it is my fingers and hands that I sometimes don’t recognise as being the same hands I had as a younger man. The future is the ink in the reservoir, or it’s the hands and fingers I will have and may or may not recognise.

But my boy, my little wonder. How I love him.

Of everything I’ve forgotten over the years, his thousand faces and one are – I hope – engraved in my scatter-brained memory forever.

Surprising myself.

Fatherhood and loneliness.

I was never a popular kid and I have continued that state of being into adulthood. I’m quite abrasive, loud and have a complete inability to ‘do’ small talk.

I have a few friends, but spent most of my teenage years reading and watching films. I enjoyed my solitude genuinely and with relish. That changed in my mid-20s when, well I grew up, I guess. That biological/social mechanism that makes us want and need others kicked in and I started to appreciate the people I did have in my life.

I try hard with people now, and my wife helps me stop being too much of a tool. Or did.

What I didn’t expect when my child was born was to gain a son and lose my best friend. My wife has been my best friend almost since we met and I adore the very breath of her.

But since our son was born… I’m alone again in many ways. I don’t have my wife to talk to about anything other than my son and how I’m working to fix the things about myself that make her (and me, for the most part) unhappy. I work, I shop for them and I do the things that need doing around the house and basically whatever she asks me to do.

But she’s distant. We used to cuddle, we don’t anymore. We used to talk about concepts and whatever my meandering mind has been looking into, we don’t anymore. We used to have a sex life, we don’t anymore. We used to sleep together, cuddled up all the time, now we just about share a bed.

And I’m not complaining about the sex. It’s okay. She had a baby – naturally – and is breastfeeding and is frustrated herself at her lack of sex drive or interest. But it’s not really that which I miss. I miss just holding her and being held which she has almost no interest in these days.

And it’s breaking me up inside. I miss my wife and my best friend.

I am lonely.

I’m finding it hard to maintain relationships with other people. My best mate, who I am very much closer to in some ways that’s I am to my own brother is, frankly, absent from my life. He doesn’t contact me and I – perhaps self-sabotagingly – am finding it harder to put in the effort to contact him, with a job, a baby, a wife and a (still) dying father. I just don’t have a lot of free mental space, but I feel like I need a person. Because my wife can’t be that person anymore.

Dads out there who went through this: how did you cope?

Dads going through this: you’re not alone. Drop me a message if you need to talk.

Expectant dads: the big things are easy, it’s the things that. You never considered that screw you up.

It’s been a while

Since I’ve gone and f*cked things up, just like I always do.


It’ won’t be the same as that this time.

COVID-19 has trashed my state of mind. I’ve been focussing on family while watching my bank account dwindle due to our clients being shut down due to this virus.

I’ve created a YouTube channel while knowing full well that I need to complete my Masters’.

I’ve been running around getting groceries for family and whoever needs them while knowing I should be doing something to shore-up my financial situation.

I’ve done good things, things that have been good for me to do.

But now I need to do the rest. I will finish this Masters’ for the sake of my future and I will continue to blog as it is brilliant for my mental health.


Talk to you all soon.

Creators guilt

I don’t know if it’s a thing, but I’d like to explain my current mindset.

My wife is 32 weeks pregnant today (yay!) and is obviously very anxious due to the Corona situation. She’s basically on lockdown for 12 weeks, which will take the baby to a month old when she can see people again.

One of my fears right now is that we’ve inflicted this world on an innocent. We’ve created life that is going to be with us in eight weeks time that will be born into a world in turmoil. 424 people have died from it in the UK so far and the number is accelerating daily.

There was no way to see this coming. We’ve always wanted children and have been trying for quite some time, so we cannot be blamed for this. But I’m still afraid for my wife and child.

The fact that all I can do to protect them is to basically hide them from the world is simultaneously terrifying, emasculating and makes me furious with all the morons who won’t isolate when necessary, won’t close down their businesses and won’t just stand apart.

It’s not a lot to ask. A lot of people are going to die and I just want to soften the blow as much as possible while protecting my family.

It looks like we’re not going to be allowed to have the homebirth that my wife wanted, so that’s crap. It’s essentially because homebirths require two midwives and the crisis is going to require all-hand on deck and midwives won’t be able to be spared.

Not happy. Stay. At. Home.

Toture most horrid.

Be safe. Be kind to each other.


That’s just what I keep saying to people. I’m pretty bored right now. My lecturing is cancelled, my biggest client firm has basically stopped operating and my wife is on lockdown due to her advanced pregnancy.

So I have very little to do. I am powerfully bored.

But above all that I’m quite concerned about money flow. I’ve been saving really hard recently and have been paying off everything that I owe as fast as possible. Now unfortunately, that means I don’t have a lot just lying around in the bank to soak up an absence of wages.

This is deeply unsatisfactory.

I need to do something, might go for a run.

I hope you’re all having a good day. Be good to each other.

Baby brain.

Today has been pretty good. Just getting on with things.

I’ve been thinking about the different reactions people have to expectant mothers and fathers.

It’s mostly…



Unfortunately, I started writing this last (Saturday 7th March) night. Wife returned home from work and I lost track of all of the the things.

But I’m back. Mental state is pretty good and I think I’m going to make this into a journal. It’s essentially been such for a while now, but I’m going to consciously try to consider it such in my mind.


So, yesterday.

I had a lie-in as I like to on Satuday mornings, then went to collect our new sofa pair (3+2) a nice hardwearing brown leather affair. I don’t love it, really but the suite we want is VERY expensive and we can’t justify it right now. I don’t want it being destroyed by baby vomit and toddler crayons, so we’re having something for the next few years and will get the dream sofa (hyperbolic, I don’t REALLY care about sofas) when the small people are all growing and away from destroying furniture.

Then I went out for lunch with my mother – always that curious mix of entertaining and depressing – and did a little grocery shopping.

At this time I realised I’ve been drinking more beer than I want to: only 5-6 pints per week, but that’s a lot for me and considering I was dry most of January, it’s not good.

Returning home, I worked on my book, did some gardening and faffed around on the internet for too long.

When my wife returned home, she was really hungry and I was weak and bought us pizza. Regret.

This is probably TMI for some people, but sex is getting a little more challenging these days.


Today, we went to lunch with the mother-in-law and my wife’s aunt (the midwife) to get some advice on homebirth and all that. Long story short, we’re getting a pool and my wife is hopefully going to give birth at home, in the pool and all will be good.

So we have another shopping list:

  • Pool
  • Liner
  • Insence/oils
  • sundry items to do with the above.

Writing has really been doing me good, but I’m spending too much time just reading random crap on the internet now. Need to convert that essentially wasted time into time learning, working out or writing.

Back on the train.

I feel better today. Not much but a little.

I’ve said it before, but I now have to start doing something to reduce the number of stressors in my life.

  • Nothing to be done about the imminent child – not that I’d change that.
  • I’ve quit my college lecturing job – it was horrible anyway and I really hate going to the city.
  • I’ve officially decided to get away from the family business. My father has no intention of letting go of control or retiring, so I’m going to leave it.
  • Unfortunately, my parents’ relationship is so toxic that there’s nothing I can do about it other than avoid the fallout and steer conversation to something positive whenever possible.
  • I just need to get my Masters’ done. Over and done with and move on.
  • I’ve started gardening a little too. Our garden is quite substantial and is going to need a lot of looking after this year, especially in preparation for having a toddler running around it trying to commit suicide by ignorance in a couple of years.


It’s my final class at the college this Thursday, after which I’ll have an afternoon each week off which will be nice.

I’ve also really been putting the words in now. I’ve written almost 6000 words in the last week to ten days which is more than I’ve done in possibly years. The ugly old fan fiction is nearing completion. Finally.

It’s good to have a goal. Baby steps.

Burn it all

I’m having a mini-breakdown at the moment.

I feel like a complete waste of oxygen and life.

Yesterday I collected some paint for a job we’re doing next week and left it in my car overnight to take to our storage untit today.

Today I open the boot and find my boot filled with 5 litres of bright yellow road paint.

I don’t know how or why, but I’ve screwed up again. I am so utterly worthless that I am a net negative to the world around me.

I’ve wrecked my favourite jeans, my favourite t-shirt and got paint all over my drive.

I’m sorry.

Writing, Writing, Writing.

It’s been a few days, sorry about that.

So as of next week, I will not longer be a lecturer for a while. The college I’ve recently been working at is a hell-hole that I’ll be glad to see the back of.

It’s been a busy week – again – which hopefully dropping the lecturing for a little bit might help.

I’m starting to think that adding several tags on this thing might actually reduce the level of search results people get to, so I’m going to restrict myself to three from now on.

So to the point of this post:


My first degree was in Creative and Professional Writing and Film Studies, which I finished more than a decade ago. Back in those heady days, I used to write a lot.

I never worked professionally – alas – but I always wrote, starting all kinds of projects from novels to screenplays.

Over the years I’ve done less and less of this until a few days ago when I realised something tragic:

I’ve only ever finished a single writing project. And that was only done to the state of a first draft.


I don’t think I’m a bad writer, but I definitely suffer from imposter syndrome and the inability to believe in myself enough to consider what I do worth reading.

As such, I’ve decided to pull my finger out and get on with it.

I’m starting small, finishing something that is ultimately inconsequential and that I already know isn’t very objectively good: fanfiction.

Since Monday I’ve written around four thousand words on a fanfiction that I started in 2012. Like Start Wars, I love the world of Harry Potter, but am left cold by the actual material put out into the world (I don’t even really like the OT).

A friend told me back then that if I didn’t like it, I should rewrite it, to do it better myself. So I started to rewrite Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Over about six months, maybe I smashed out a radically redesigned Harry Potter that kind of worked to take into account everything that appeared in the later stories that JKR must have invented as she wrote the series. It’s not great, it rambles all over the place, taking too long over some things, not long enough on others. Some characters are inconsistent and a thousand other things, but I enjoyed writing it.

I got to about 3/4 of the way through the rough narrative of Philosopher’s Stone and then my life became busy and I became 1, lazy 2, bored 3, convinced I didn’t have time. I didn’t really touch it from 2015 to now.

In the last three days I’ve smashed out about four thousand words and added two chapters which has received a lot of visits and readers.


That feels great, seeing that people are reading and appreciating my work is actually firing my desire to finish this thing.

I’m trying to set goals so I keep on the productivity train.

It feels good so far.


Things are picking up

Just a short post tonight.

Another mission of a job completed, and completed quickly for a few reasons:

  1. We were left to get the work done – no fatherly interruptions
  2. I had control of the situation – how many bodies we had on site etc.
  3. I used my own preferred suppliers who I know well and are efficient. Instead of using ‘mates’ who will get things done eventually at a magical mystery price.

So work is complete, early and on-budget.

Happy days.

I’ve had a day without the family which has really helped my mood. My eating is getting a little bit better, though we are having a take-away tomorrow night.

I’m really enjoying writing again, my anxiety is low, work is getting done. I just need to make progress with my university work and things will really get moving.


Also on the plus-side, we get a lie-in together tomorrow as my wife only has to work a 1/2 shift! After which I get to tidy and clean the house.
